
The core of MetaGraph is written in C++ and has been successfully tested on Linux and MacOS. In the following, we provide detailed instructions for setting up MetaGraph.

Install with conda

There are conda packages available on bioconda for both Linux and Mac OS X:

conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge metagraph

The executables are called metagraph_DNA (with a metagraph symlink) and metagraph_Protein.

For support of other/custom alphabets, compile from source (see Install from source).

Docker container

If docker is available on your system, you can immediately get started with:

docker run -v ${DATA_DIR_HOST}:/mnt \
    build -v -k 10 -o /mnt/transcripts_1000 /mnt/transcripts_1000.fa

where ${DATA_DIR_HOST} should be replaced with a directory on the host system that will be mapped under /mnt in the container. This docker container uses the latest version of MetaGraph from the source GitHub repository (branch master). See also the image overview for other versions of the image.

By default, it executes the binary compiled for the DNA alphabet. To run the binary compiled for the Protein alphabet, just add --entrypoint metagraph_Protein:

docker run --entrypoint metagraph_Protein \
           -v ${DATA_DIR_HOST}:/mnt \
    build -v -k 10 -o /mnt/graph /mnt/protein.fa

As you can see, running MetaGraph from docker containers is very easy. Also, the following command (or similar) may be handy to see what directory is mounted in the container or to do other sorts of debugging:

docker run -v ${DATA_DIR_HOST}:/mnt --entrypoint ls /mnt

Install from source


Before compiling MetaGraph, install the following dependencies:

  • cmake 3.10 or higher

  • GNU GCC with C++17 (gcc-8.0.1 or higher), LLVM Clang (clang-7 or higher), or AppleClang

  • bzip2


  • boost and jemalloc-4.0.0 or higher (to build with folly for efficient small vector support)

  • Python 3 (for running integration tests)


For those without administrator/root privileges, we recommend using brew (available for MacOS and Linux).

For compiling with AppleClang, the prerequisites can be installed as easy as:

brew install libomp cmake make bzip2 boost jemalloc


To compile MetaGraph, please follow these steps.

  1. Clone the latest version of the code from the git repository:

    git clone --recursive
  2. Change into the metagraph directory:

    cd metagraph
  3. Make sure all submodules have been downloaded:

    git submodule update --init --recursive
  4. Install sdsl-lite in metagraph/external-libraries/sdsl-lite with the following script:

    git submodule sync
    git submodule update --init --recursive
    pushd metagraph/external-libraries/sdsl-lite
    ./ $PWD
  5. Set up the build directory and change into it:

    mkdir metagraph/build
    cd metagraph/build
  6. Compile:

    cmake ..
    make -j $(($(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) - 1))
  7. Run unit tests (optional):

    ./unit_tests --gtest_filter="*"
  8. Run integration tests (optional):

    ./integration_tests --test_filter="*"

Build configurations

When configuring via cmake .. <arguments> additional arguments can be provided:

  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Debug|Release|Profile|GProfile] – build modes (Release by default)

  • -DBUILD_STATIC=[ON|OFF] – link statically (OFF by default)

  • -DLINK_OPT=[ON|OFF] – enable link time optimization (OFF by default)

  • -DBUILD_KMC=[ON|OFF] – compile the KMC executable (ON by default)

  • -DWITH_AVX=[ON|OFF] – compile with avx instructions (ON by default, if available)

  • -DWITH_MSSE42=[ON|OFF] – compile with msse4.2 instructions (ON by default, if available)

  • -DCMAKE_DBG_ALPHABET=[Protein|DNA|DNA5|DNA_CASE_SENSITIVE] – alphabet to use (DNA by default)

Install API

See API Install.