List of Graphs
Num k-mers
Num labels
Indexing mode
API endpoint
GnomAD (release 3.0) |
N/A |
41 |
29,015,017,946 |
29 |
ordinary |
/api/gnomad |
Kingsford (2,652 RNA-Seq) |
8.0 Tbp |
21 |
10,165,997,234 |
2,586 |
with k-mer counts |
/api/kingsford |
MetaSUB (k=41) |
7.2 Tbp |
41 |
166,983,379,394 |
4,220 |
ordinary |
/api/metasub41 |
RefSeq (85k taxID; release 97; with coordinates) |
1.7 Tbp |
31 |
626,753,663,468 |
85,375 |
with k-mer positions |
/api/refseq85_coord |
SRA-Microbe |
221 Tbp |
31 |
101,733,896,434 |
446,506 |
ordinary |
/api/sra_microbe |
SRA-Mouse (Mus Muculus) |
147 Tbp |
31 |
139,978,792,470 |
57,938 |
ordinary |
/api/sra_mus_muculus |
Tara Oceans (genomes with coordinates) |
61.9 Gbp |
31 |
26,511,636,608 |
34,815 |
with k-mer positions |
/api/tara_genomes_coord |
Tara Oceans (scaffolds) |
357 Gbp |
31 |
121,058,940,696 |
318,205,057 |
ordinary |
/api/tara_assemblies |
UHGG All |
710 Gbp |
31 |
33,120,094,297 |
286,997 |
ordinary |
/api/uhgg_all |
UHGG Catalogue |
11.2 Gbp |
31 |
9,676,446,464 |
4,644 |
ordinary |
/api/uhgg |
Error: Index sra_fungi is currently unavailable
Error: Index sra_metagut is currently unavailable
Error: Index sra_metazoa1k is currently unavailable